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Free app to track your dividend portfolio

Analyze all your dividend portfolios in one place. Plan your annual dividend income to achieve financial goals. Track upcoming dividends and get automatic insights.
Minimal information for registration.
No credit card required.
$30M+ holdings are already registered
Track upcoming dividends
Plan your dividend income from portfolio holdings. Get detailed statistic for upcoming dividends for the next 12 months. Get an ideal overview in the clear charts and track dividend growth.
Multiple portfolios
Create unlimited number of portfolios to group and analyze different types of holdings, get summary information.
Optimize dividends
Optimize dividend portfolio using in-depth analytics for each holding. Control dividend yield and annual income for all portfolios.
Dividend forecast
Analyze confirmed and estimated dividends for the next 12 months. Plan your annual income based on the detailed statistic. Stay up to date on the latest market information.
Stay focused on important metrics
Plainzer has clean and mobile-friendly design which is pretty intuitive and helps you to focus on important portfolio metrics. Keep it simple from any device.
Don't miss important portfolio updates
Stay up to date on the latest corporate events, including dividend and ex-dividend dates. Analyze portfolio allocation based on the market value or dividend income. Get useful and automatic insights about your holdings.
Future income prediction
Get detailed information about upcoming dividends for the next 12 months. Personalized calendar includes confirmed and estimated dividends.
Portfolio yield & returns
Know your real portfolio performance, including total gain, annual income, dividend yield, yield on cost, allocation of dividend and growth stocks.
Import & export
Import transactions from your broker using CSV files. Easily export information from Plainzer without any restrictions.
Multiple portfolios
Create multiple portfolios to group and analyze different types of holdings separately. Get summary information across all portfolios.
Multiple watchlists
Create multiple watchlists to analyze stocks which are not yet part of your portfolio. Save important stocks and track their metrics.
Portfolio events
Don't miss important portfolio updates, including ex-dividend and dividend dates for stocks in your portfolio.
Allocation breakdown
Analyze allocation of your holdings based on the market value or dividend income. Control diversification metrics of your portfolio.
Portfolio insights
Get useful and automatic insights about your portfolio on the dashboard. Don't miss important signals for your portfolio holdings.
Portfolio goals
Setup personal goals for dividend income and control their progress. For example, setup goal to have $1,000 dividend income per year.

All dividend information you need
in one place

Forget about manual portfolio tracking. Plainzer tracks your portfolios and dividends in automatic way based on the latest market information. Know your real performance, setup personal goals, optimize your dividend income based on the automatic insights. Focus on investment strategy instead of manual calculations.
Free for basic
Enjoy all basic features for free. During this year our team will introduce new functionality which will be available under paid subscription.
Simple to use
Create portfolio, add holdings manually, start to analyze statistic for your dividend portfolio. Plan dividends with personalized calendar.
Grow with us
Our team is working to introduce new features for all dividend investors: from beginners to experts. We are open for all feature requests.
How can I track dividends using Plainzer?
Create your first portfolio, add transactions which will indicate that you own some company shares. Plainzer will automatically detect if these companies pay dividends. Plainzer will provide information about upcoming dividends for the next 12 months. On the dashboard you will be able to see information about your holdings, important corporate events, portfolio allocation, useful insights.
Is Plainzer free?
As for now, Plainzer is completely free. Our team is focused to implement new features which will be available for everybody. We want to receive an honest feedback from our first users and then team will be focused to introduce features under paid subscription.
Do you support multiple portfolios?
Yes, our users are able to create multiple portfolios to track and analyze it separately. Also Plainzer provides summary information for all portfolios in one place.
Which stock exchanges do you support?
We support more than 12,000 tickers from all US exchanges. We also plan to add support for international exchanges in the future.
Is Plainzer just a standard dividend tracker?
Plainzer is more than just a standard dividend tracker. Plainzer provides in-depth analytics across all your portfolio holdings (not only holdings with dividend income), notify about important corporate events, visualize portfolio allocation and provides useful insights about your holdings.
What about data security?
All of the data you share with us is stored on US servers in encrypted way. We will never sell your data to third parties. You could always ask Plainzer team to delete your data permanently.
Plainzer - Free app to track your dividend portfolios

Grow your dividend portfolio together with us

Track all your dividend portfolios in one place to plan and analyze dividend income.